Marriage in India


The proof of it, how deeply caste divisions are rooted in the consciousness of the Hindus, there is a way, how you choose your life partner. Just browse through the dating ads, which are published by local magazines, and now even the Internet, to find out, that marriages outside their own caste, even among rich and educated people, are rare. Parents are usually involved in finding the right partner, although you have to admit, that love marriages are becoming more and more fashionable lately, especially among residents of larger cities.

Parents deciding on the choice of a future son-in-law or daughter-in-law take into account not only the origin and financial situation of their family, but also an attractive appearance, and even zodiac signs and horoscopes, determining the compatibility of the characters of future spouses.

A dowry is inextricably linked with marriage in this environment. In the past, this was used to describe the gift of parents to their daughter for a new way of life, offered, that she might have something of her own and in turn provide a similar gift to her own daughter. Today, however, the dowry defines the position of the bride's family in society: the greater the wedding ceremony and the richer the dowry, the more respect is given to parents who marry their daughter.

Admittedly, this custom was officially banned, however, most marriages still depend on the amount of dowry. Poorer families are forced to take out loans, usually under very unfavorable conditions, to provide her daughters with a dignified dowry, and to throw a wonderful wedding and prepare a lavish feast. As a result, they pay off their debts for the rest of their lives, or if they cannot afford it, they work as laborers.

The amount of the dowry depends on many factors, but the sum is almost always large. Usually, the social status and education of the future son-in-law are taken into account. If a woman is about to marry a man with a university degree, a doctor or other high-earning specialist, or e.g.. Green Card holder (permit to stay in the USA), parents should give her as dowry no less than 20 000 $.

According to the law here, only women can marry, which have completed 18 years, however, in practice this is rarely followed. Between 10 a 14 gets married at the age of one year 8% girls, a 50% women is already married from the age of 15 dol9 years. The average age for marriage for a woman is 18,3, and for a man – 23,3. Hindus value virginity very much, which is one of the most important conditions, which a woman must fulfill, to become a wife.