

Hard to believe, but until 50 million Hindus live outside the caste division of India's society, belonging to different strains. This population, called adiwasi, lived in the subcontinent before the arrival of the Aryans and the Drawids. For thousands of years, the indigenous Indian tribes lived a quiet life in inaccessible mountains and forests, so in areas of little importance for agriculture. To this day, these people speak a language incomprehensible to Indians, and their customs are alien to both Hindus, as well as Muslims.

Members of these tribes probably contacted the Indians living in the lowlands, however, there were very rarely any more serious disputes or conflicts between them. This situation has changed, when modern means of transport began to be used – formerly unavailable, the lands that belonged to the adsiya were now open to the inhabitants of the lowlands. The rapid population growth forced the Indians to settle in new areas and look for additional natural resources. Within less than 40 for years these tribes were displaced from their native territories, and their impoverished members were forced to work hard. Only Arunnahal Pradesh is in the hands of this population, located in the north-eastern part of the country. Only here has civilization had a beneficial influence on the indigenous people of India, who managed to keep their customs and lifestyle to this day. In the rest of the country, especially in Madhya Pradesh, Andhra Pradeśu i Biharze, the lives of these people are not the easiest: they do the toughest jobs, they suffer hunger and want. The state governments are doing nothing, to improve their plight. Government officials generally avoid discussing this sensitive topic, and when asked directly, they are talking about millions of rupees, which are spent on helping the indigenous people of the country. Unfortunately, most of this money goes into the pockets of corrupt officials.

Given the overpopulation in the Indian Peninsula, it's fairly possible, that the living conditions of the members of these tribes would be improved even slightly. The traditions and customs of adivasia will surely gradually disappear, until these people are completely assimilated with other people in India.


18 the main Indian languages ​​are:

hindi- the most important language in India, although he only uses it 20% the total population of that country, living in an area known as the Hindi belt, belt of cows or Bimaru, which includes Bihar, Great Prades, Radźastan i Uttar Pradeś; belonging to the Indo-Aryan language family, it is recognized as the official language of government officials, the listed states, and additionally Harjany and Himacial Pradeśu

asami – uses it over 60% inhabitants of the state of Assam, already from the 13th century.

bengall – he speaks this language almost 200 min people, mainly in the area currently belonging to Bangladesh; official language of West Bengal; its origins date back to the 13th century.

gujarati – belongs to the group of Indo-Aryan languages, it is used by the inhabitants of Gujarat

explorer – the official language of Karnataka, used by 65% the population of this state

kashmri – uses it 55% the inhabitants of Kashmir and Jammu. It belongs to the Indo-Iranian language family, with the Perso-Arabic alphabet

konkani – Dravidian language, mainly used in Goa

Malayalam – belongs to the Dravidian group; the main language of the state of Kerala

manipuru – Indian; it is used by the inhabitants of the north-eastern part of the country

marathi – Indian language, educated in the 13th century; used in the state of Maharashtra

nepali – occurs in the province of Sikkim, where 75% Oriya Nepalese population – Indian; uses it 87% Orissa residents

punjabi – Indian; the main language of Punjab; alphabet oparty not (dewangari), Hindus who rule it use a 16th-century type of writing, called gurumukhi, whose creator was Guru Angad, a Sikh spirit guide

Sanskrit – one of the oldest in the world; the main language of the Aryan civilization; it was written for the Vedas and the ancient Indian epics Mahabharatai Ramayama

sindhi – those who use it live in the territories currently belonging to Pakistan, however, most of the users can be found in India itself; the Pakistani version of the language uses the Persian-Arabic alphabet, and the Indian – in the dewangari script

Tamil – very old Dravidian language, known at least since 2000 years; spoken in Tamil Nadu; uses it 65 min people of telugu – the Dravidian language most used today; official language of the state of Andhra Pradesh

urdu – official language of Kashmir and Jammu; just like hindi, arose in antiquity; from the beginning it was used mainly by Muslims, that is why it has a Persian-Arabic alphabet and many words borrowed from the Persian language.